Williams Lake Brunisol

Soil Site Details: Williams Lake Brunisol

Soils on this site are Brunisols. Brunisolic soils are relatively young, and can be viewed as an early stage in the evolutionary sequence of soil development, starting with unweathered parent material and ending with a mature soil (e.g., Podzol). The name Brunisol originated from the French word brun meaning brown.

Basic Facts

Soil Order: Brunisol
Ecosystem: Coniferous Forest
Climate Zone: Continental
BC Biogeoclimatic Zone: Sub-Boreal Spruce

Location: Lynes Creek, 20km north of Williams Lake
City, Region, Country: Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada
Lat / Long: 52.1923/ -122.618

Soil Classification

Soil Order: Brunisol
Great Group: Dystric Brunisol
Subgroup: Orthic Dystric Brunisol
Soil Series: Alix
Classification Code: O.DYB
Soil Horizons Present: LFH, Aej, Bm, BC, Bt, C
Diagnostic Horizon 1: Bm
Diagnostic Horizon 2:
Diagnostic Horizon 3:
Diagnostic Horizon 4:

Land Form

Land Form:
Parent Material: Glacio-fluvial
Elevation (m): 1000
Topography: Inclined
Affected by Glaciation: Yes


Climate Zone: Continental
Mean Annual Temperature (C): 3.4
Minimum Annual Temperature (C): -10.4
Maximum Annual Temperature (C): 15.4
Mean Annual Precipitation (mm): 460

Land Use

Current Land Use: 2nd-growth forest
Original Vegetation: White spruce, lodgepole pine
Current Vegetation: Lodgepole pine

Technical Description
This soil is in the Brunisolic Order. Brunisols are relatively young soils that can be thought of as a transition stage between Regosols and other, more developed soils (e.g. Podzol, Luvisol). The diagnostic horizon is usually a Bm horizon > 5 cm thick, which has undergone minimal pedogenic alteration (alternatively, another B horizon could be present depending on the accumulation of clay (Btj) or amorphous Fe/Al (Bfj)). This site has glaciofluvial parent material. The soil at this site falls into the Orthic Dystric Brunisol Subgroup. This soil is further classified under the Alix soil association.PDF with details: 24_Alix.pdf

Soil Morphology
Soil Texture of Diagnostic Horizon or Prevailing Texture: Sandy Loam to loam
Soil texture horizons: Sandy loam (Aej), Sandy loam (Bm), Sandy loam (BC), Loam (Bt), Loam [C]
Soil structure horizons: Single grain (Aej), Granular (Bm), Massive (BC), Prismatic (Bt), Angular blocky [C]
Forest Humus Form:
Presence of Charcoal:
Presence of Coatings:

Soil Formation Processes
Primary Soil Process Group: Losses
Primary Soil Process: Leaching
Secondary Soil Process: Translocation


Brunisol, from https://processes.soilweb.ca/brunisol/.

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